2014 Schedule

January 13, 2014
View Schedule

Schedule of Events

9:25 am
Welcome by Janet Hayes, CFAD Committee Co-Chair- Mount Holyoke
9:30-10:30 am
Great Barrier Reef – What’s the Dirt?

Dr. Kyle Nichols, Associate Professor of Geology – Skidmore College
One of the seven wonders of the natural world, the Great Barrier Reef stretches over 1,600 miles. We will explore the implications of the current scientific research and what it means for the future protection of this amazing coral reef system.

10:45-11:45 am
How Teenagers Make Decisions – or Not!

Dr. Abigail A. Baird, Associate Professor of Psychology – Vassar College
Learn why teenage behavior is often misunderstood.  The purpose of puberty is to transform the brain – and the person – from childhood to adulthood. But that takes a lot of trial and error as the parts of the brain learn to work together. 

11:45 am-12:30 pm
Box Luncheon Served, catered by Udi’s Food
12:30 – 1:30 PM
Climate Change: Myth or Reality?

Dr. Alan Werner, Professor of Geology – Mount Holyoke College
Some have described climate change as “our most important environmental issue,” but others call it the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” What do we know about past climate change, recent warming and the prognosis for the future?

For over forty years, College for a Day has brought professors from top liberal arts colleges to the greater Denver Community for stimulating lectures, each followed by an informative, question and answer discussion. Profits help support the participating schools.

Special thanks to donors to CFAD: Margaret Brown, Mary Butz, Benita Campbell, Christina Chiacchia, Tessa S. Davis, Candace Fleming, Gail Fritzinger, Melanie Grant, Fredrika Groff, Harriet Hill, Sarah Kaesmeyer, Rebecca Lloyd, Katie McPhail, Aureta Parker, Leslie Patton, Jan Pilcher, Sally Plummer and Frances Sheperdson.

Special thanks to: Staybridge Suites, 4200 East Virgina Ave, Glendale for speaker accommodations; Temple Emanuel, 51 Grape Street, Denver for the venue; Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 East Alameda Avenue, Denver for meeting accommodations; Maura Devine, Skidmore, www.mauradtoplinemanagement.com for web design.

We have a new location at First Plymouth Church, 3501 S. Colorado Blvd. Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113. Get Directions